Original source: https://storage.needpix.com/rsynced_images/hiring-3531130_1280.jpg

College & Career Advising

with Marci Dionne

Price not available More Info

Are you thinking about making a change in your job or career? Are you considering going back to school to further your training or education, but are not sure of your options? Our college and career advisor can meet with you to complete career assessments, explore options that fit your needs, and make a plan to help you reach your goal. Get side by side support with applying for financial aid and scholarships, placement in workforce training programs, resume writing, and interview skills. Additionally, basic Math, Algebra, and English courses are available, if needed, to help you improve your core skills. We’re here to assist you with your transition to a new job or training program.

Call to schedule a day or evening appointment. 

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Original source: https://live.staticflickr.com/7015/27231722436_599d1be7e6_b.jpg

HiSET (Formally GED) Prep Classes

with Rita Pender

Price not available More Info

Start anytime. Evening and/or daytime classes are available.

Meet with math and English teachers to prepare you to take and pass the 5 exams of the HiSET equivalency diploma. 


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