Most classes are geared towards adults, with some exceptions. Most theater trips and day trips are open to older children accompanied by an adult. Please call our office (207-384-5703) if you have any questions.
Yes, we accept online registrations using all major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express).
You can register online or at our office. Course fees and lab fees must be paid at the time of registration. Book fees must be paid before class begins. Material fees must be paid to the instructor the first night of class.
You may also register by mail. Registration forms are included in our printed catalog and a printable form is available here on our website. A check or money order with all costs covered must accompany the form.
We accept registrations by telephone, fax and online for most courses. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AMEX.
No. In addition to Maine residents, we also serve residents of New Hampshire and Massachusetts and their guests.
Refund Policy
Course fees will be refunded in full if a class is cancelled due to low enrollment.
Cancellation notice must be received 3 business days before class starts.
Cooking classes require a 5 day cancellation notice. Cooking classes require the advance purchase of perishable products. All no shows and registrants that do not cancel in accordance to our cancellation policy will be billed for the material fee due to the instructor.
Once classes have begun, there are no refunds.
Refunds for trips will only be granted if your ticket/bus seat can be resold.
Material fees and book charges are not refundable after the first session.
Refunds may take up to 6-8 weeks to process.
Refunds will be made by check or a credit to your card.
No cash refunds will be issued.
While classes may be cancelled due to instructor emergencies, or weather events, most are cancelled due to low enrollment. Enrichment classes are self-supporting. This means each class must create enough revenue to cover all costs. Therefore, when enrollment is low, we need to cancel, most often the week before a class is scheduled to start.
Yes. When you register for a class you are charged a course fee.
Course fees allow MACE to cover expenses incurred in offering the course. MACE is a non-profit and all enrichment classes must be self-funded.
An additional material fee may be charged by the instructor on some courses such as cooking or art classes. These fees are paid to the instructors, by cash or check, for expenses they incurred.
Material fees are payable to the instructor at the first class meeting unless otherwise noted.
If you are not receiving emails from us, please make sure to check your Junk and/or Spam folders.
In some cases, an individual’s email address will block emails from us. This tends to happen most often with email addresses. If you are experiencing this issue, be sure to whitelist in order for the emails to be delivered.
DAYTIME: The daytime entrance for Marshwood Adult Ed can be found behind Marshwood High School. When coming in the main driveway from Route 236, take a left after the speed bump and follow the signs around the back of the building. We have a small parking area available for daytime classes. The speed limit on high school grounds is 15mph. Thank you!
EVENING: Please use the main entrance of Marshwood High School in the evening. Parking is open in front of the high school except for the area marked with yellow paint (fire lane).
Yes. We accept call-in registrations for most classes. We do not accept call-in registrations for classes that require participation in an inventory or teacher approval.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
If you are on a waiting list, you will be contacted if a space becomes available. Please do not go to the class unless you have been called. All waiting lists are handled on a “first come – first serve” basis and each class is filled in the order people were placed on the waiting list.
a. Assessment
b. Career planning
c. Academic coursework
d. College experience
e. Tracking and follow up
No. Each program has certain characteristics that are the same. Two models are:
- Cohort model, all students enter the program at the same time and continue to work together through the program. Usually this type of program is semester based. Schedules may be one full day per week or two evenings per week or possibly two morning or afternoon sessions.
- Menu of services. Classes and services are offered at a variety of times and locations. Students work with the adult college transitions counselor to plan their schedules and complete course requirements.
Yes. Many adult education programs offer college preparation classes as part of their regular offerings. A student enrolled in one of these classes is NOT considered a Maine College Transitions Program student for purposes of the grant. The student would be considered an adult transitions student for subsidy or AEFLA reporting purposes.
What do I do? Who do I tell?
We are always open to suggestions for new courses. If you would like to propose a new course and maybe even be an instructor for that course, contact our program’s office.
To find your local program, please visit: and use the “Find a Local Program” search box located near the top of the homepage. By entering your town and radius in miles, you can quickly and easily locate the adult education programs closest to you.
First locate your program using the “Find a Local Program” search box located near the top of the homepage at You will then be presented with an interactive Google map which will allow you to pinpoint the location of the program(s) closest to you and get driving directions.
Weather Delays/Cancellations:
Program updates and cancellations due to inclement weather will be announced on our answering machine and website as soon as possible, and local TV and radio stations.
When in doubt, call the location where you attend class- 207-384-5703 (Marshwood).
If dayschool is cancelled or dismissed early, adult education classes are also cancelled.
Register online:
Some courses are available for online registration. For those payments, we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AMEX.
Register by mail:
If you register by mail, you may pay by personal check (made payable to M.S.A.D. 35), money order, or by providing your credit card info on the necessary registration form.
Register by phone:
If you register by phone, we can accept a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AMEX), check, or money order. If you register by phone, but pay by check or money order, you will need to drop off or mail your check or money order to our office by the date specified when you register for your course.
Register in person:
If you register in person at our office, you may pay by personal check, credit card, money order, or cash.
If you have mailed in your registration for a class which was already full, you will be contacted and given the option to be placed on the waiting list for that class.
If you register in person, you’ll know immediately the status of the class.
If you search for courses online, you will know because the web page will say “Course Full” and give you the option of subscribing to the waiting list.
If you need a copy of your HiSET transcript please visit Once on the website you will be able to set up an account and request transcripts to be sent directly to you or a college.
Please call our office at 207-384-5703 if you have any questions or require a copy of your High School Diploma transcript.